Sunday, March 12, 2006

A Common Question

Just finishing up with a tradeshow in Colorado, a common question was coming up. “Isn’t 30% protein a lot?”. As you may be aware, the crude protein content of ProAdvantage Grass is 30% and this may seem high. But two things must be kept in mind. First, the feeding level of ProAdvantage is very low compared to other grain mixes, thus the concentration or level of each nutrient will be higher to get the adequate nutrition.

Secondly, the protein, or for that matter any nutrient, quoted on feed tag, means little, until it is combined with forage to get the actual Total Dietary Intake of protein (or other nutrient). To calculate this, you can use the following equation.

lbs of hay/day x % Protein of hay / 100 = lbs of protein in hay (# 1)

lbs of grain/day x% Protein of Grain / 100 = lbs of protein in grain
(# 2)

# 1 + # 2 = Total lbs of protein / Total lbs Hay & Grain x 100 = Total Diet Protein %


18 lbs x 8% / 100 = 1.44 lbs of protein from hay

1lb x 30 / 100 = 0.30 lbs of protein from grain (#2)

1.44 + 0.30 = 1.74 lbs / 19 lbs of food per day X 100 = 9.15%

You can use this equation for any nutrient just plug in the number and go from there. This is the true representation of the nutrient intake for the horse, because they eat more than just the grain—the forage MUST be factored into the picture. Happy Calculating!!!!!!!


At 11:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is great for the calculation, but where is the recommended amounts for daily consumption?

At 2:19 PM, Blogger Russell Mueller-Equine Nutrition Consultant said...

The recommended amounts of Protein or any nutrient for consumption varies from horse size, age and status, and is too much information to enter here. We use all of these requirments to balance a diet using our computer diet balancing programs-which in turn gives you the exact amount to feed each day in conjunction with your hay.

At 12:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for the handy calculator. I too would like more information on the recommended amounts for daily consumption. Am I doing an unjustice or damage to an unborn foal/broodmare by feeding the proAdvantage grass formula vs another product here? It seems to me the forage max supplement looks like a better choice.


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